Meet Evelyn from Bravo
Evelyn Eccard is the founder of Bravo Leadership International. She named the company after listening to a friend yelling out "Bravo, Bravo" at a tennis tournament. When the player won, she purposely looked for that solo voice yelling "Bravo" and rewarded him by tossing him a tennis ball. She appreciated him and his encouragement throughout the game. That's when Evelyn knew the name BRAVO was perfect for her business. Evelyn said "My intention is to up-level people's mindsets through training and coaching and help them become a better version of themselves. I want to cheer them on. Bravo! Bravo!"
Throughout her career, she has chosen positions in which she has positively impact the company's culture by training and developing executives, management and hourly employees. She trained everything, but her passion is leadership. She applied the leadership principles within her Sales team and saw first hand, the positive impact (increase engagement, dedication, and productivity). Soon after, her team was sought after by other departments as well as corporate head quarters. They wanted leaders who had the experience of being on her team.
Evelyn had a vision of taking what she has learned in her 25+ year career and making it available to others. She knows there are many managers out there struggling because leadership training isn't a priority in many organizations. Companies would rather deal with constant problems that arise vs. training their managers to lead. That thinking tends to cascade throughout the organization.
Bravo trains and coaches managers so they become LEADERS. We teach leadership so that leaders can create the environment in which all of us can work to our natural best. This produces trusting teams.
Evelyn's goal is to train managers to become exceptional LEADERS.
Bravo consist of Evelyn Eccard and Stacey Aveling. Both are certified John Maxwell Team member and passionate about leadership with over 20+ years of experience. They specialized in leadership, communication, customer service and sales training.
Bravo believes in maintaining a positive mindset, creating long term partnerships with a purpose, developing all levels in an organization and always striving for significant outcomes. When working with Bravo, you should expect a collaboration with transparency and consistency.
Our goal is to up-level your thinking so you can be the BEST version of YOURSELF.